Admission to Downtown Brooklyn YABC includes Home School Counselors, parents, and students.
Full-Time YABC Process
Full-time students benefit from the guidance of Good Shepherd Services while attending DBK YABC. This means these students will be able to participate in the Learn to Work (LTW) program. Students must be between 17 ½ and 21 years old when they enroll, as well as be currently enrolled in a NYC high school; if a student is not 18, the parent/guardian consent is necessary.
If there is any question as to the type of high school, contact Downtown Brooklyn YABC.
School Counselors will meet with students and make sure YABC is the right choice for them. They will them complete Y-1 and Y-2 forms and submit a copy of the student’s IEP (if applicable), ENL level (if applicable), attendance and immunization from your school.
Students: you need to complete the enrollment form.
Once Downtown Brooklyn has both the submission from the student and the school counselor, both will be contacted within 48 hours.
Shared Instruction YABC Process
Shared Instruction students benefit attending day school while attending DBK YABC. This means these students are not fully enrolled in DBK YABC, bur rather they are still enrolled in their home school. They attend both schools as they make progress toward graduation.

If there is any question as to the type of high school, contact Downtown Brooklyn YABC.
School Counselors will meet with students and make sure YABC is the right choice for them. The age of a shared instruction can vary, so it is important for home schools to have a necessary dialogue with parents/guardians to see if YABC will be a beneficial option for students. School counselors will then complete S-1 and S-2 forms and submit a copy of the student’s attendance from the home school.
Students: you need to complete the enrollment form.
Once Downtown Brooklyn has both the submission from the student and the school counselor, both will be contacted within 48 hours.